
Whether it’s a humidification system gone amok or a specific water issue, testing and remediation is critical to ensuring a mold problem doesn’t get out of control. The Lawson Group provides mold testing and remediation oversight solutions. Most importantly, our solutions work to prevent future mold issues.

What is Mold?

Mold is a fungus that is found everywhere. It reproduces by forming spores, which are then released into the air. Most molds are harmless but some can be toxic and cause a reaction. People with weaker immune systems, allergies, or other health conditions can be more susceptible to mold exposure. Environmental conditions, humidity, season, and so many other variables can impact the amount of mold present in the outdoor air, as well as inside buildings, which is why regular testing followed by thoughtful remediation, when needed, are critical to guarantee a safe home or workplace. 

What are the Regulations for Mold?

Regulations for mold in buildings are either non-existent or vary diversely from state to state. An effective mold testing and remediation plan can answer the following questions:

  • Is the type of mold present hazardous?
  • Are the indoor levels of mold elevated higher than outdoors?
  • Are the levels such that remediation is necessary?

In most cases when we are asked to respond to a mold complaint that affects Indoor Air Quality (IAQ), we find that mold is NOT the culprit and that the solution is relatively easy and straightforward.

How to Address Mold

To learn more about our Health & Safety Consulting and how we address mold, schedule a free consultation by filling out the form below:

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