Health & Safety Consulting
The majority of the accidents that happen on the job are the result of “unsafe acts” or “unsafe behaviors” and not “unsafe conditions.” In short, it is not the missing guard that caused the injury but the failure of the worker to use or put the guard back in place so they are properly protected in the first place. Our goal is to do everything we can to keep your people healthy and injury-free so they can show up for work every day and go home to their families at the end of that day to do their most important job, which is taking care of them!
Asbestos | Chemical Exposure | Industrial Hygiene | Mold | Noise Exposure | OSHA Compliance | Safety Services
TPA & Workers’ Comp
As a third-party-administrator for worker’s compensation insurance, The Lawson Group essentially provides workers’ comp insurance for over 400 New Hampshire companies. We place a high value on effective health and safety programs so that people don’t get hurt in the first place, which in turn, costs a lot less. If your workers are not getting hurt, they come to work every day and your business can function effectively and efficiently. We use the same common sense approach to safety with our workers’ comp customers that we do with our consulting customers and the results that we achieve in terms of fewer accidents and injuries are second to none in the workers’ comp marketplace.
Loss Control Services | TPA & Workers Comp Services
Employee Wellness Services
It’s not enough that we protect employees and keep them safe on the job, providing workers’ comp coverage and helping them get back to work when they get hurt. We promote employee wellness through a series of programs that promote a healthy lifestyle through diet, nutrition, exercise, and training on how to get the most use out of their health insurance. It is also important to realize that healthier workers are far less likely to have an injury at work, the nature of their injury is likely to be less serious and they are much more likely to return to work sooner.
Biometric Screening | First Aid Certifications | Wellness Programs | Ergonomic Assessments | Smoking Cessation