Safety Services

The Lawson Group has a solid understanding of workplace safety and what companies need to do to have effective, State  and OSHA compliant programs. We can conduct mock OSHA inspections, help you establish and run a safety committee (a Joint Loss Management Committee JLMC required by the State of New Hampshire), conduct required safety training and help develop and write OSHA required written programs for standards like Lockout/Tagout (Control of Hazardous Energy), Hazard Communication, Respiratory Protection, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and Bloodborne Pathogens.

How Can Our Safety Services Help You Stay in Compliance?

If and when OSHA conducts an inspection, they generally will use your own written programs in the course of their inspection to interview employees to see if they “know” what is in the written program. They will judge how adequately your employees show knowledge as an indication of whether you have an “adequate” and “effective” program. Since we see most companies that develop their own written programs parrot the OSHA standard rather than write the program to properly reflect how the company complies and the actions of the employees that achieve that, we feel that is more important to write a program that reflects what really goes on and that employees are trained in that procedure or policy so you are more likely to “comply” and be successful in an OSHA inspection.

When Do You Need Safety Services?

The quick answer is, when you don’t have the time or expertise to do these things on your own. This is what we do for a living, every day of the week and there is no learning curve for us as there might be for someone in your organization that has never done these things before. We have had clients that “download” a written program from the internet and claim it as their own and that generally never works and is very unlikely to pass muster in an OSHA inspection.

We can help you assess what you have and don’t have for programs, what you need and don’t need and what the relative degree of adequacy your current programs achieve so that you are in better stead to have a successful and effective safety program that will satisfy OSHA standards in the event of an inspection.

Get Started with Safety Services Today

To learn more about our Health & Safety Consulting and our Safety Services, schedule a free consultation by filling out the form below:

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