What is Included in a Health Risk Assessment?
Health Risk Assessments are essential for receiving accurate health data. They are personalizable for each employee and are flexible enough to accommodate your needs whatever they may be:
- Import your current health assessment
- Enhance our health assessment
- Add non-wellness questions (safety, security)
- Customize colors and images
- Keep it short and sweet
Features of a Health Risk Assessment include:
- Medically verified
- Virtual video coaches
- Educational material
- Behavioral questions
- Integrated biometrics
- Proprietary AgeGage technology
- Based on small change habit theory
Alternatively, if you prefer to stick with a brief assessment that covers the basics, we offer that, too! Ask us about our biometric screening followed by a 5-minute assessment, which covers areas such as:
- Physical activity
- Nutrition
- Stress
- Tobacco Use
- Alcohol and Drug Use
Start with a Health Risk Assessment for Your Workforce Today
To learn more about our Health Risk Assessments, schedule a free consultation by filling out the form below: