
Weekly Wellness Tips – Quit Smoking

Mark Twain once said, “Quitting smoking is easy, I’ve done it a thousand times.”

If you or someone you know is trying to quit, there are some key elements in quitting successfully.

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Make the Decision to Quit

The decision to quit smoking is one that only you can make. Others may want you to quit, but the real commitment must come from you.

Set a “Quit Date” and Choose a Plan

Once the decision is made, set a date and give yourself some time to plan. This is a lifelong commitment, so nobody is expected to make the change overnight.

Practice, Practice, Practice

Once your plan is made, practice some of the techniques. Put your cigarettes in the trunk to avoid smoking on your ride home from work, stop smoking in your house, or wait 30 minutes after the initial craving to smoke.

Practicing will help make quitting a little easier.

Deal with Withdrawal

Withdrawal from nicotine has 2 parts: the physical and the psychological.

The physical symptoms, while annoying, are not life-threatening. Nicotine replacement can help reduce many of these physical symptoms.

Most smokers find that the bigger challenge is the mental part of quitting.

Here are some ideas to help you deal with psychological withdrawal:

  • Avoid temptation
  • Start a new hobby
  • Distract yourself
  • Take a deep breath
  • Reward yourself even for what may seem like a small success

But most importantly…

Be Patient with Yourself

If you have tried to quit before, you know that staying smoke-free is the final, and most important, stage of the process.

You can use the same methods to stay smoke-free as you did to help you through withdrawal.

If you slip, get right back on track rather than considering it a failure and returning to smoking.

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