Whether it’s financial, social, emotional, or physical, many people experience stress during the holiday season. Buying gifts, attending social events, eating less healthily, and exercising less can all contribute to a person’s ability to manage stress.
Use these tips to help you get through this holiday season!
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Mix things up
If you find the usual routine stressful, suggest some new ideas. Offer to drive out to a relative’s house rather than host at your home. If the holidays involve a lot of gift-giving, perhaps a Yankee Swap would relieve multiple people of stress.
Remember: Nothing and nobody is perfect
The pressure of hosting the perfect party or finding the gift that is juuust right is often exaggerated in our own heads. We are not in Pleasantville and no one is going to croak over dry turkey. Think of imperfections as accidental charm.

Keep a slow and steady pace
Don’t wear yourself out by committing to 8 parties and hosting 3. Instead of planning something everyday plan some “you time” in-between events. Remember that just stopping by is okay. You don’t need to stay at each event from start to finish.
Don’t expect miracles
Some holiday anxiety stems deeper than a to-do list or general social stresses. Past family conflicts can sometimes cause reoccurring stress. Don’t set your expectations for miracles and pure bliss. Being optimistic is good, but it is also important to be realistic.
It’s OKAY to step away
Communicate your needs with those around you. Feeling a little overwhelmed? Take a moment to excuse yourself and step outside for some fresh air. This will make you feel better and more able to enjoy the rest of the time you spend with family or friends.