We all know that chocolate needs to be eaten in moderation because of the generous portions of sugar, milk, and butter.
However, there are still some great benefits to eating it (in moderation) and to making healthier chocolate choices by choosing Dark Chocolate.
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Heart Health
The flavonoids found in chocolate help increase the flexibility of veins and arteries, preventing the hardening of arteries. It also helps lower blood pressure, improve blood flow and prevent blood clots from forming.
Brain Food
Dark chocolate can help improve cognitive function. It can help brighten your mood and it can act as a mild stimulant due to the caffeine chocolate contains.
Diabetes Prevention
Dark chocolate can help reduce insulin resistance and only eating a small square won’t cause huge spikes in blood sugar since it has a low glycemic index.
Cancer Prevention
The antioxidants in dark chocolate help free your body of free radicals that damage cells and cause cancer.
Extra Vitamins and Minerals
Dark chocolate contains a variety of vitamins and minerals that prevent stroke, cardiovascular issues, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, and anemia.
Choosing Healthier Chocolate
Cocoa Percentage (%)
Aim for 60% cocoa or higher. Check the nutrition label if you are unsure.
Check the Ingredients
The first ingredients listed should be cocoa butter or cocoa liquor, not sugar! Check the length of the list—it should be short!
You don’t need “natural flavors,” artificial flavors, hydrogenated oils, milk fat, emulsifiers, soy lecithin, etc. added in.
Choose Organic
Whenever possible, choose organic chocolate over others. This will ensure that the chocolate will be free of harmful chemicals and toxins.