
OSHA’s Injury & Illness Prevention Program

Over the past year, OSHA has been gathering data from trade associations and unions while promoting their initiative I2P2.  The initiative would require workplace managers to implement a Injury and Illness Prevention Program.  According to OSHA, the program “simple requires employers to develop a program to help them find and fix hazards in their workplaces.”

There are six key elements OSHA sees as necessary components of a successful prevention program, they are:

  1. Management Leadership
  2. Worker Participation
  3. Hazard Identification
  4. Hazard Prevention
  5. Control, Education & Training
  6. Program Evaluation & Improvement

Developing I2P2 into a standard is not an easy task; however, OSHA head, David Michaels called it the Agency’s highest priority of 2011.  Michaels and the Agency have been promoting the initiative heavily.  Michaels has made close to a dozen speeches since announcing the rule in April, the Agency has held five stakeholder meetings to get input on how to draft it and recently unveiled a new I2P2 webpage to increase interest in the coming initiative.

This is and will be a very important issue for business owners.  Keep checking back for the latest I2P2 information.

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