
Minimize Injuries and Reduce Costs: Loss Control Coordinator Academy 

You provide the employee(s), and we will provide them with the tools to reinvigorate your Safety Program!

“If you don’t hurt people, it doesn’t cost a lot of money.” – Lawson Proverb

In a perfect world, employees come to work, perform their jobs, and go home the same way they arrived… with all of their fingers and toes. This utopian concept of an injury-free workplace is the goal, but not always the reality.

So, how does taking a two-day safety course help? We focus on educating our attendees on how to recognize and address unsafe behaviors and unsafe work practices, as they are the leading cause of workers’ compensation claims.

Our Loss Control Coordinator Academy (LCCA), which is free to Trust Members, provides common sense tools and ideas to identify the source or root cause of many injuries, allowing you to address them before an incident occurs. Let The Lawson Group’s Loss Control Team fill your metaphorical toolbox to keep workers safe while reducing costs and increasing morale.

The two-day LCCA provides leadership, management, and technical training to individuals responsible for employee health and safety at member companies.

  • Safety Leadership
  • Slip, Trip, & Fall Prevention
  • Strain & Sprain Prevention
  • Caught-In & Struck-By Prevention
  • NHDOL Safety & Training Requirements
  • Safety Administration & Moving Forward

Attendees leave the course empowered to recognize hazards, solve problems, and create cost-saving ideas due to their newly heightened awareness of safety. A bonus is that they leave knowing they also have our Loss Control Team to reach out to with any questions that arise after they are back at your facility.

“Comp is a highly controllable expense. You just have to be willing to control it.” – Lawson Proverb

The Lawson Group has been hosting the Loss Control Coordinator Academy since 2018! Over the past 6 years, we have welcomed 280 attendees representing 150 companies. Is your company represented here? If not, visit our training page to REGISTER or reach out to us at [email protected], and we can explain more about the benefits of the LCCA.


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