
Maximizing the Benefits of Your Wellness Program

Are you getting the most out of your wellness program? Winter can be a challenging season for both employees and employers. During this time, we often see an increase in absenteeism and a general sense of malaise among our workforce. This season often brings physical stressors associated with cold and flu, financial pressures related to the holidays, and emotional discomforts caused by shorter days. However, we can change our perspective on winter! Instead of concentrating solely on dark days, overeating, and bad weather, let’s create a season of wellness. We can use this time to focus on developing healthier habits and setting goals for the new year. See what The Lawson Group has to offer for wellness services

Empower your employees by providing them with knowledge about their biometric health metrics. Biometric health screenings offer a quick and convenient opportunity for employees to meet with a Health Coach and learn more about their cholesterol, glucose, blood pressure, and BMI, as well as how these factors impact their overall health. 

Additionally, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) recommends that every workplace have one or more employees trained and certified in first aid, including CPR. Knowing CPR and basic first aid are crucial life-saving skills that can make a significant difference in emergencies. We offer onsite and in-house training for anyone interested in learning about basic first aid, adult and pediatric CPR, and the use of AEDs. Upon completing this course, participants will earn a valid 2-year certification through the American Heart Association.

The “Freedom from Smoking” program consists of eight weekly on-site sessions, each lasting between 30 minutes to an hour, depending on the employer’s preference. The clinics include interactive and engaging activities and offer time for group support. All sessions are led by facilitators trained by the American Lung Association.

Are you interested in creating an Employee Wellness Platform where all aspects of wellness are centralized? We can bring this vision to life with our fully customizable wellness portal and app. Our platform offers over 400 wellness challenges for your employees, access to 100 educational videos, fitness tracking, health risk assessments, and real-time aggregate data. If you’re interested in developing a wellness platform, please let us know today.

So let us flip the script on winter and view it as an opportunity to reset and redefine our wellbeing for the new year. If you are interested in learning more about our wellness program offerings please reach out to the wellness department at [email protected].

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