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Workforce Wellness Joins WELCOA

Workforce Wellness LLC is pleased to announce that it has joined the Wellness Councils of America (WELCOA). WELCOA’s mission is to promote healthy lifestyles for all Americans, through wellness initiatives at the worksite.

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Pair-up and $ave!

Workforce Wellness is holding an American Red Cross CPR/AED and First Aid Certification training. Training is $50 per person or bring a friend, co-worker, family member and save $10 each – only $40 per person! Snacks and lunch provided. Contact Jennifer at Workforce Wellness at 800-544-8434 or email [email protected] to register or obtain more information.
Venue: The Scott Lawson Companies
Location: 20 Chenell Drive, Concord NH 03301
Date: December 8, 2010
Time: 8:30 am – 4:00 pm

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Farm Fresh: Eat Local

There are almost two million farms in the USA. About 80% of those are small farms, and a large percentage are family-owned.

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Stress Busters for Busy Moms

In honor of Mother’s Day, let’s share some stress-busting tips with these heroes. If you are a busy mother or woman—these ideas are for you!

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OSHA Finally Gets Tough On Penalties

I worked for OSHA from 1974 until early 1978 and in those days the belief was that companies would fall all over themselves trying to comply with OSHA if we just visited them and “dropped off” a copy of the regulations.

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“Planting the Seeds for Wellness” Fair

The Scott Lawson Companies (Concord, NH) held its first Wellness Fair on April 22nd. Local businesses and non-profit organizations participated in the free event organized by Workforce Wellness LLC. This was a great opportunity to experience a variety of approaches to health and wellness by showcasing vendors that specialize in a wide array of related disciplines.