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Healthy Tips For Spring

Spring is here and it’s a great time to start enjoying the outdoors. Here are 3 quick tips on how to stay happy and healthy outdoors this spring:

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Return-to-Work programs are designed to get injured workers back on the job as soon as medically possible. This is a win-win for both the injured employee and the employer.

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Clean Up Your Act

From an early age we learn it is polite to pick up after ourselves, and while this is common practice at home, it should also be reflected in the workplace. It’s not only distracting to work in a cluttered environment, but it can also be hazardous. From tools left in the wrong place to spills left on the ground, poor housekeeping can put yourself and your colleagues at risk.

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Race to the Top

The Lawson Group kicked off its 6-week Wellness Challenge, Race to the Top, for employees this fall. Departments competed to fill their Sand Towers by completing healthy activities.

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How to Keep Your Employees Safe From Aggressive Dog Encounters

It’s estimated that 70-80 million dogs are owned in the United States. Approximately 37-47% of all households in the United States have a dog. (Source: APPA)  When an employee’s work brings them to someone’s home, there’s a good chance they will encounter a dog. Has your organization assessed this risk and taken steps to help reduce the risk for an aggressive dog encounter?

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Granite United Way Day of Caring


Most people want to give their time and support a cause that’s important to them, but finding the time and the right opportunity can be a challenge. With many people leading busy lives, community service may always be on the to do list, but never get checked off.