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Find it and Fix it

Find it and fix it before someone gets hurt! Commit to developing a safety and health self-inspection program.

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Hunting Safety

Whether you enjoy walking in the woods, hiking through the hills, or hunting on all of the public land that the North East has to offer, one thing is clear; Hunting Season is in full swing, so being safe while out in nature is critical.

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Make Parking Lot Safety a Walk in the Park

Whether you’re arriving at work, the grocery store, or the gym, chances are you’ll find yourself in a parking lot. It may seem like a bunch of parked cars wouldn’t pose a safety risk, but studies have shown that approximately 20% of vehicle collisions and 20% of vehicle-pedestrian collisions occur in parking lots. Car accidents aren’t the only concern, however. Crime, weather conditions, terrain, and lighting are also concerns to keep in mind when parking your car in a lot.

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2016 Granite United Way Day of Caring

This year marks year two for The Lawson Group participating in the Granite United Way Day of Caring. The Day of Caring is a celebration of community volunteers giving one day to help one another.

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OSHA Revises Regulation on Recording and Reporting Occupational Injuries and Illnesses

OSHA’s new requirements for recording and submitting records of workplace injuries and illness will go into effect January 1, 2017. The new rule requires certain employers to electronically submit injury and illness data that is already required by OSHA to be documented on specific forms (300A, 300, and 301). OSHA believes that by making this information publicly available, employers will be more inclined to improve workplace safety. The new rule is also geared towards ensuring that workers will not fear retaliation for reporting injuries or illness.

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OSHA’s Silica Amendment: Increase Profits Before Politics

OSHA’s amended Silica regulation is part of the solution, to unbeneficial business practices. This revision should be interpreted as an opportunity to increase profitability with the support of an effective plan. Regulations such as the amended Silica regulation are set with the intention to change behaviors and processes within organizations, which in turn will generate profits.