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Complaints of Mold: Is it Worth Testing?

In our decades of experience in health and safety consulting, many of the complaints we receive are employers voicing concerns over their indoor air quality. In most cases however, it’s rarely indoor air quality that is the problem. More times than not, it’s the indoor environment and the population reacting to seasonal symptoms.

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Wellness Challenges: It’s All About Balance

Since we’ve been doing wellness programs for well over a decade, one of the biggest problems that we find is trying to get people to deal with weight issues. It’s very hard in this day and age to get people to change their behavioral patterns to get them to focus on maintaining a healthy body weight.

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The Top Reasons Why People Want CPR and First Aid Training at Work

At The Lawson Group, we receive requests from companies all the time looking for staff that wants to be trained and certified in CPR and first aid. “In the old days” these requests were generally because a number of workers had these certifications and maintained them for the sole purpose of maintaining them, generally because they were members of a local volunteer fire department or rescue squad. Now the requests are more associated with the desire of many to just know what to do in the case of a medical emergency they observe, in their family primarily, or at work or while out in the public.

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Promoting Safety in Your Organization

The saying “it’s cheaper to prevent an injury or illness than to pay for it” is especially true when it comes to the hardship cost to the employee and their family. Eliminating hazards before they cause accidents is the right thing to do.