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Happy Spring from Scott

Happy almost end of Covid (we hope)! Welcome inflation, $5 diesel and $4.+ gas, continued delays in the supply chain, and $12 2×4’s that used to cost 3 bucks!!!!

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Weekly Wellness Tips – Acne Prevention

A small bump may play a big part in a person’s self-esteem. Not to mention, acne can be painful and made worse by any number of factors, including a person’s activity levels, hygiene, diet, and more. Here are a few tips on what you can do to reduce the risk of an outbreak.

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How to Prevent Mold in the Workplace

Exposure to mold spores is virtually unavoidable as mold grows outdoors but can find its way into buildings and grow there as well. In buildings with poor ventilation, high humidity, and/or water intrusion issues, mold can become problematic, especially for those with pre-existing respiratory conditions or allergies.

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Weekly Wellness Tips – Dandruff

Dandruff is a common chronic scalp condition marked by itching and flaking of the skin on your scalp. Although dandruff isn’t contagious and is rarely serious, it can be embarrassing and sometimes difficult to treat.

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Dust Explosions: Do you Have What it Takes?

On March 18, 2008. OSHA issued a Hazard Alert regarding Combustible Dust Explosions. Many people have been injured or killed during explosions involving combustible dust at their workplaces over the years. In February 2008, 14 employees were killed at Imperial Sugar in Georgia following an explosion.

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Can Hearing Loss From Occupational Noise Hazards Be Restored?

Do your employees raise their voices to be heard even when they’re only standing three feet away from each other? If so, it’s likely the ambient noise levels are over 90 decibels. Noise-induced hearing loss is always permanent, which is why it’s so important to protect employees from hearing loss.