Smoking Cessation Programs

Most smokers want to quit, but it can be difficult to get access to the tools and support they need to actually stop smoking. The Lawson Group’s Smoking Cessation Clinics were designed using the American Lung Association’s Freedom From Smoking® standards and can be leveraged by employers to help guide their workers to a healthier lifestyle.

What are Smoking Cessation Programs?

Workplaces are now largely smoke-free environments by law but an estimated 34 million adults currently smoke cigarettes. A smoking addiction is a disease and in industrialized countries around the globe, it’s one of the leading causes of preventable death. The only way to counteract the disease is through the promotion of smoking cessation, which is considered a priority by all health professionals. Smoking cessation can help to alleviate healthcare costs, increase productivity, enhance job satisfaction, and highlight a better overall company image.

How Does a Smoking Cessation Program Work in the Workplace?

The Lawson Group designs smoking cessation clinics so that they can be held before or after shifts or during lunch breaks. Weekly on-site sessions can range from 30 minutes to an hour, depending on employer preference. The clinics incorporate interactive and engaging activities, as well as allow time for group support. All sessions are led by trained facilitators. Because quitting smoking is a process, the Lawson Group’s smoking cessation clinics start by providing information and tools to help prepare participants to quit before guiding them through to their “Quit Day” and then after encompassing the first few weeks of being smoke-free.

Get Started with a Smoking Cessation Program

To learn more about our Employee Wellness Services and our Smoking Cessation Clinics, schedule a free consultation by filling out the form below:

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